Your Insurance Building and Restoration Specialists
Ambrose Construct Group have specialised in completing every type of repair, to every type of building since 1989. Whether you have experienced a major event like a cyclone, or something minor, we understand it is impacting your family, your life and your home.
In striving to provide you with the best repair experience possible, our focus is simple – getting it right for you and your family.
At Ambrose Construct Group, we look after people not just insurance claims.
If at any time you want to speak to someone, ask a question or just have a chat about your repair, don’t hesitate to give your Supervisor, Customer Service Officer or any member of our team a call and we will make sure we get you the information you need.
Thanks for choosing Ambrose Construct Group and we look forward to assisting you, just like we have for tens of thousands of other Australians.

Why work with us?
Ambrose Construct Group has a collective experience of 100 years in Insurance Building and Restoration in Australia.
Satisfied Customers
We are constantly looking at ways to provide a better, faster and more positive repair experience for our customers.
Our commitment to technology means more time onsite and faster payments for trades.
Highest Quality
All products used in our repairs conform to national standards and come with our workmanship guarantee.
Brett Ambrose was recognised as the 2018 EY Entrepreneur of the Year for Queensland. This entrepreneurial spirit drives everything we do.
Clear repair documentation, regular updates and a customer focused portal means we take each step of the repair journey together.
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